Thursday 18 May 2023

Why Proper Ventilation is Crucial for Indoor Pools

In today's world, indoor pools are becoming increasingly popular among homeowners, businesses, and organisations. While indoor swimming is a great way to stay fit and have fun, it is essential to remember the importance of adequate ventilation in indoor pool environments. In this article, we will discuss why proper ventilation is crucial for indoor pools in residential homes, strata blocks, hotels, and swim schools.

Residential Homes

Indoor pools in residential homes are an excellent way to add value to a property and create a luxurious atmosphere. However, without proper ventilation, indoor pools can lead to moisture problems, which can cause structural damage, mould growth, and unpleasant odours. The lack of proper ventilation can also make the indoor environment uncomfortable and cause health problems for the people using the pool. To prevent these issues, homeowners should invest in a high-quality dehumidification system that is designed specifically for indoor pool environments. Dehum offers a range of dehumidifiers that are perfect for residential indoor pools.

Strata Blocks

Strata blocks, like residential homes, also require adequate ventilation in indoor pool environments. Without proper ventilation, moisture can seep into the building's structure, causing costly damage and requiring extensive repairs. Additionally, poor indoor air quality can lead to health issues for the people using the pool, as well as those living or working in the building. To ensure that indoor pool environments in strata blocks are safe and comfortable for everyone, builders and architects should consider installing a high-quality dehumidification system. Dehum's range of dehumidifiers is perfect for strata blocks with indoor pools.


Hotels with indoor pools are a popular choice among travellers, but it is crucial to remember that indoor pools require proper ventilation to provide a safe and comfortable environment for guests. Without proper ventilation, moisture can damage the building's structure and lead to unpleasant odours, mould growth, and other health concerns. To prevent these issues, hotels should invest in a dehumidification system that is specifically designed for indoor pool environments. Dehum offers a range of dehumidifiers that are perfect for hotels with indoor pools.

Swim Schools

Swim schools are places where children and adults go to learn how to swim, but they also require proper ventilation to provide a safe and healthy environment for everyone. Without proper ventilation, indoor pool environments can become uncomfortable and lead to health concerns for both swimmers and instructors. Additionally, poor indoor air quality can lead to respiratory issues and other health problems. To ensure that swim schools provide a safe and healthy environment for everyone, business owners should consider investing in a high-quality dehumidification system. Dehum's range of dehumidifiers is perfect for swim schools with indoor pools.

In conclusion, adequate ventilation is crucial for indoor pool environments, whether it's in residential homes, strata blocks, hotels, or swim schools. Without proper ventilation, indoor pools can lead to costly damage, unpleasant odours, mould growth, and health concerns. Therefore, it's essential to invest in a high-quality dehumidification system that is designed specifically for indoor pool environments. Dehum offers a range of dehumidifiers that are perfect for indoor pool environments in all types of buildings. Click here to learn more about how Dehum can help you achieve proper ventilation in your indoor pool environment.

Wednesday 26 April 2023

Why Commercial Ventilation is a Crucial Aspect of any Business or Commercial Establishment

Commercial ventilation is a crucial aspect of any business or commercial establishment. Without proper ventilation, the air inside the building can become stale, stuffy, and potentially hazardous to the health of employees and customers. In this article, we will explore the benefits of commercial ventilation, particularly with regard to the products offered by Dehum, which specializes in ERV/HRV units, humidifiers, and dehumidification.

ERV/HRV Units:

Energy Recovery Ventilation (ERV) and Heat Recovery Ventilation (HRV) units are designed to provide fresh air while also recovering energy from the exhaust air. These units work by exchanging heat and moisture between the incoming and outgoing air streams, thereby reducing the energy required to heat or cool the incoming air. This not only results in cost savings on energy bills but also provides a more comfortable and consistent indoor environment for occupants. ERV/HRV units also help to reduce the load on heating and cooling systems, extending their lifespan and reducing maintenance costs.


Maintaining proper humidity levels is essential in commercial buildings. Low humidity levels can lead to dry skin, irritated eyes, and respiratory problems, while high humidity levels can create a breeding ground for mould, bacteria, and other harmful contaminants. Humidifiers help to maintain optimal humidity levels, creating a more comfortable and healthy indoor environment. This can lead to increased productivity, reduced absenteeism, and improved overall well-being for employees and customers.


In contrast to humidifiers, dehumidifiers are designed to remove excess moisture from the air. High humidity levels can lead to a range of issues, including mould growth, musty odours, and damage to building materials. Dehumidifiers help to prevent these issues by removing moisture from the air and maintaining optimal humidity levels. This not only improves the overall indoor air quality but also helps to protect the building and its contents from damage.

Benefits of Commercial Ventilation:

Improved Indoor Air Quality: Proper ventilation helps to remove stale and contaminated air from the building, replacing it with fresh, clean air. This can help to reduce the risk of respiratory problems, allergies, and other health issues caused by poor indoor air quality.

Reduced Energy Costs:

ERV/HRV units can help to reduce energy costs by recovering energy from the exhaust air and reducing the load on heating and cooling systems. This not only results in cost savings but also helps to reduce the environmental impact of the building.

Increased Comfort:

Maintaining optimal humidity levels and providing fresh air can help to create a more comfortable indoor environment for employees and customers. This can lead to increased productivity, improved morale, and a better overall customer experience.

Protecting Building Materials:

Excess moisture can lead to mould growth, musty odours, and damage to building materials. Dehumidification can help to prevent these issues, extending the lifespan of the building and reducing maintenance costs.

In conclusion, commercial ventilation is a crucial aspect of any business or commercial establishment. The benefits of proper ventilation include improved indoor air quality, reduced energy costs, increased comfort, and protection of building materials. Dehum specialises in ERV/HRV units, humidifiers, and dehumidification, offering a range of solutions to meet the unique needs of each commercial building. By investing in proper ventilation, businesses can create a more comfortable, healthy, and productive indoor environment for employees and customers alike.

Saturday 18 March 2023

Why Swim Schools Need the Proper Ventilation/Dehumidification Solutions

Swimming pools are a great source of recreation, exercise, and relaxation for people of all ages. But, did you know that proper ventilation and dehumidification solutions are crucial for the maintenance of a safe and healthy swimming environment? This is where Dehum Pty Ltd comes in. As the leading provider of top-notch ventilation and dehumidification units from around the world, Dehum Pty Ltd understands the importance of creating a comfortable and safe swimming environment for everyone.

Moisture and humidity are common problems in indoor swimming pools, as the hot, humid air from the pool can lead to mold, mildew, and other air quality problems. This not only creates unpleasant odors and air quality issues, but it can also be a health hazard for swimmers, as mold and mildew can cause respiratory problems. That’s why it’s important to have proper ventilation and dehumidification systems in place to keep the air in the pool area fresh and healthy.

Dehum Pty Ltd provides state-of-the-art ventilation and dehumidification systems that are designed to work together to improve the indoor air quality in swimming pools. Our systems are equipped with advanced technologies, such as HEPA filters, activated carbon filters, and UV-C lights, that work to purify the air and remove harmful pollutants. Our units are also energy-efficient, making them a cost-effective solution for swimming pool owners.

One of the key benefits of using Dehum Pty Ltd’s ventilation and dehumidification systems is that they can help extend the life of the pool and its surroundings. Moisture buildup can cause damage to the walls, floors, and ceilings of a pool, as well as the equipment, such as pumps and filters. By removing moisture from the air, our systems can help prevent this damage, saving swimming pool owners money in the long run.

Another advantage of using Dehum Pty Ltd’s systems is that they can help create a more comfortable and enjoyable swimming environment. Proper ventilation and dehumidification can help keep the air fresh and comfortable, making it easier for swimmers to breathe and enjoy their time in the pool. Additionally, our systems can help regulate the temperature and humidity levels in the pool area, making it a more comfortable place to be, even on hot and humid days.

At Dehum Pty Ltd, we believe that every swimming pool should have proper ventilation and dehumidification solutions. Our goal is to provide swimming pool owners with the best products and services to create a safe and healthy swimming environment for everyone. With our extensive knowledge and experience in the industry, Dehum Pty Ltd is the trusted choice for swimming pool owners who want the best for their pools

So, if you’re looking for the best ventilation and dehumidification solutions for your swimming pool, look no further than Dehum Pty Ltd. Our team of experts is always available to help you find the right products and services to meet your needs and create the perfect swimming environment for you and your family. Contact us today to learn more!

Thursday 16 February 2023

Why Dehumidifiers are Crucial for any Indoor Pool and Swim School

Indoor pools are a popular choice for year-round swimming and exercise, but they can also be a breeding ground for mould and mildew. Dehum Pty Ltd offers a solution to this problem with its high-quality dehumidifiers.

One of the main benefits of using a dehumidifier in an indoor pool is the reduction of mould and mildew. High humidity levels in indoor pools can lead to the growth of these harmful organisms, which can cause health problems for swimmers and damage to the pool and surrounding areas. A dehumidifier can help reduce humidity levels, preventing mould and mildew growth.

Another benefit of using a dehumidifier is the improvement of air quality. Indoor pools can often have a strong chlorine smell, which can be unpleasant and cause respiratory issues. A dehumidifier can help reduce the chlorine smell by removing the humidity that holds the chlorine fumes in the air.

Additionally, Dehum Pty Ltd dehumidifiers are energy efficient and easy to maintain. They come with a digital controller that allows you to set the desired humidity level and they also have a built-in automatic defrosting feature to ensure that the unit runs efficiently.

Overall, investing in a dehumidifier is a crucial step for ensuring the safety and comfort of swimmers and staff at any indoor pool or swim school. Not only does it prevent mould and mildew growth, but it also improves air quality and can extend the life of the pool and its surrounding areas. Dehum Pty Ltd offers a wide range of dehumidifiers to fit any size of indoor pool, and their team of experts can help you choose the right unit for your specific needs. With regular maintenance and the usage of dehumidifiers, indoor pools can be a healthy and enjoyable environment for all.

Wednesday 1 February 2023

Easy Tips for How to Improve Indoor Air Quality

The air quality of indoor spaces has become a major topic, especially these days. From avoiding allergens to preventing the spread of illness, improving the indoor quality of the space has become a top priority for both commercial and residential locations. By reading on, you can learn about some of the various ways that you can improve the indoor air quality of your space.

Using Air Purifiers /Air Handling Units

One of the easiest ways to improve the air quality in an indoor space is through the use of air purifiers and air handling units. This is also one of the most effective ways. It’s important that you choose an option that has a HEPA (high efficiency particulate absorbing) filter, which is the best type of filter for removing harmful pollutants and other particles in the air. Air purifiers and air handling units that are high quality and have a HEPA filter can remove most of the pollutants and allergies in the air, but some are capable of removing flu virus from the air.

Improving Ventilation in the Space

The ventilation in the space can have a major impact on the air quality. By improving the ventilation in the space, this can improve the air flow which means clean air can come in and move the bad air out. Keep in mind that this only works if the outdoor air is actually clean. There are things that you can do that will help make sure that the air that comes through your vents is as clean as possible. This includes making sure that you have clean air filters in your cooling and/or heating systems. Otherwise, you are only making the problem worse.

Find Ways to Reduce Dampness in the Space

The problem with dampness is that it can lead to mold growing in the space. Mold growth can have a negative impact on the air quality in the space, even leading to health issues as you are exposed to the mold for a long time. Investing in a dehumidifier can help reduce the dampness in the space, which reduces the risk of mold growing in the space.

Reduce the Pollutants in the Air

In order to improve the air quality in the space, you need to make sure that you reduce the pollutants that you have in the air. There are different tests that you can perform/have a professional perform, which will help you to determine if there is actually an air quality issue in the space. Once you know if there’s a problem and what it is, you can take the necessary steps to reduce the pollutants in the air.


The indoor air quality of your home or business is a priority because it can determine how healthy and happy people are when they are in the space. Whether you want to make your home healthier for your loved ones or you want to prevent illness in your business, taking the necessary steps to improving the indoor air quality can make a significant difference.

Wednesday 4 January 2023

How Dehumidifiers Help Museums to Preserve Their Collections

Museums are home to important historical artifacts, which can be valued at thousands of dollars. But the age of the pieces can sometimes cause problems, making them more sensitive to changes in environmental factors. Because of this, they often use dehumidification systems to help control air moisture levels. Let’s take a closer look at some of the ways this technology can help preserve historical items. 

Why Are Humidity Levels So Important?

Many of the exhibits at museums are made from sensitive materials. This includes canvas, wood, leather, and parchment. These will react strongly to any changes in the humidity levels in the environment. As the air moisture levels rise, they can start to expand. If the humidity is too low, they will shrink. This type of movement can start to damage the artifacts, causing them to become cracked.
Due to the age and fragility of these documents, it doesn’t take a lot of variation in the humidity levels to do damage. The problem is that, as people move around the museum, they will be affecting the humidity levels. This is because they are releasing vapor into the air, through their breathing.  Because of this, a museum dehumidifier is used to keep the moisture levels in the air consistent.

There are a few other tasks that a dehumidifier can perform. It will be able to help you remove contaminants, like dust, from the air. It will also make it easier to regulate the temperature of the museum. This element also has a critical impact on the preservation of artifacts. For example, at higher temperatures, they will start to expand. When temperatures cool, the artifacts will begin to contract, leading to cracking. Both visitor movements and the positioning of lighting will have a big impact on the temperature of the museum.

How Is Humidity Regulated In Museums?

Since moisture levels have such a pivotal role in the preservation of documents, museums often spend a lot of money controlling humidity. This allows them to create an environment that will be designed to preserve documents and other important artifacts while being pleasant for visitors. They use a few technologies to do this.

First, they will employ multiplesensors. These will be placed around the room, allowing them to monitor environmental changes in real time. If the humidity levels start to get too high, the system will automatically activate dehumidifiers for museums. Once the moisture levels return to target, the dehumidifier will turn itself off again. This data can also be sent to museum managers, so they can keep track of the environment in the building.

Furthermore, it’s common for important artifacts to be covered by a glass screen. This can allow museum staff to further customize the environment for each piece. It will also protect the artifact from dust and contaminants in the air. Plus, a glass screen will stop visitors from handling delicate items.


There are numerous things that museums have to consider when they are designing their buildings. One of the most important elements is the air moisture levels. By using a sophisticated dehumidification system, they will be able to keep humidity in the ideal range. 

Thursday 17 November 2022

Why You Should Use Ducted Dehumidifiers in Your Home

Humidity can be a big problem, causing damage to your home and health. One of the best ways to control this issue is by using a residential ducted dehumidifier. So, what are some of the reasons why you might want to try this approach?

Protecting Yourself From Mold

Mould can cause major issues within the home. It can lead to property damage, with the fungus eating through organic materials, like wood. If left unchallenged, it can lead to serious structural problems, which can cost thousands of dollars to repair. Furthermore, mould can cause an unpleasant, stale smell.

However, the biggest issue is the effect that mould can have on air quality. Mould will release fungal spores. These can be ingested and lead to health concerns. For example, those with breathing difficulties might experience shortness of breath or start wheezing.

Mould can also cause a previously healthy person to become ill. You might have a stuffy nose or skin. Sometimes, these spores can trigger an allergic reaction. The longer you stay in a home with high levels of mould, the worse these symptoms will become.

Staying Comfortable At All Times Of The Year

Humidity can have an impact on how comfortable it is to live in your house. For example, during the summer months, the high humidity can make you feel hot and sticky, as your body loses the ability to sweat. In addition, the dehumidifier can help to extract heat from your home. This can help you save money on your electricity bills.

Spending Less Time Cleaning

Many ducted dehumidifiers will include a HEPA filter. This will allow you to remove dust from the air. This will make it easier to keep your home clean.

Saving Money

Installing a ducted dehumidifier in your home will pay dividends over the long term. There are a few ways that this can be used to save money. First, managing humidity levels can help keep your clothing fabrics fresh, so they will last for longer. Secondly, electrical appliances will struggle in a humid environment. For example, you might notice signs of corrosion or rust. As a result, you will need to replace these devices more frequently.

You will be able to save money on electricity prices. By controlling humidity, it will become more cost-effective to control the temperature within your home, particularly during the summer months. The dehumidifier itself doesn’t use a lot of electricity. The DRY300 model draws just 800W of power.

Ducted Dehumidifiers Make Controlling Humidity Levels Easy

There are a few ways to control humidity. You might want to place a dehumidifying machine in each room. But this can be a costly and impractical approach. Instead, it will be more effective to get a residential ducted dehumidifier. This allows you to control the humidity levels across the entire house with ease.

They can be installed in new homes and in existing properties. They are also suitable for apartment buildings. There is a range of options to choose from, so you can the model that best suits your needs.


If left uncontrolled, humidity can create significant problems for your home. Thankfully, you can use a ducted dehumidifier, to help manage moisture levels, protecting your property and your health.

Why Proper Ventilation is Crucial for Indoor Pools

In today's world, indoor pools are becoming increasingly popular among homeowners, businesses, and organisations. While indoor swimming ...